- Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Pc
- Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download 64-bit
- Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7
- Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Win 10
- Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7
The Velleman Instruments division offers a wide range of personal/ hand-held or PC Based test equipment. Suitable for hobby, education or professional use. Including Function Generators, Oscilloscopes, Data Loggers and Multi-functional Bench-top equipment. All of these instruments are designed by the Velleman R & D Team in Belgium.!
- Windows 8, 8.1 & 10 Fresh Install of Instrument USB driver: If you currently don't have any applications that talk to your instrument using USB, then it is relatively simple to use the drivers provided with Argyll, since you don't have to deal with the instrument already having an assigned driver.
- USB connected devices: PCS10 / K8047:. Connect the PCS10 to a free USB port, a standard windows USB driver will be used. (.) For Win98se an USB- HID driver update can be necessary (see CD). PCSU1000 / PCGU1000:. Connect your device to a free USB port. Follow the on screen driver installation procedure.
Unpacking the .zip archive:
You will need to unzip the downloaded file in the location you have chosen to hold the executable files (perhaps somewhere like bin). I would NOT put them in Program Files, since spaces in directory or file names and command line environments are a very bad mix, and will cause you endless problems. The archive will create a top level directory Argyll_VX.X.X, where X.X.X is the version number, and the executables will be in Argyll_VX.X.Xbin.Making the tools accessible:
You should also configure your %PATH% environment variable to give access to the executables from your command line environment.For Windows 8, 8.1 & 10, look in
Desktop -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System And Security -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables
For Windows 7, look in
Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System And Security -> System -> Change Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
For Vista, look in
Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System And Maintenance -> System -> Change Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
For XP and 2000 look in
Start->Settings->Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables
For NT 4 look in
Start->Settings->Control Panel->System->Environment
You want to add the directory you've chosen to your %PATH%, which is a System Variable. Normally you would add this to the end of the current setting, separated by a ';'.
So if the current value of PATH is '%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%' and you unpacked Argyll version 1.8.0 in d:bin, then you would modify PATH to be '%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;d:binArgyll_V1.8.0bin', - i.e. you append the path to the Argyll binaries to your PATH, separated by the ';' character. The change will take effect when you start a new command shell, which you start from Start Menu->Accessories->Command Prompt, or Start Menu->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt. You can check that the environment variable has been set by running the command 'echo %PATH%' in the command shell.
The .zip file also contains several useful reference files (such as scanner chart recognition templates, sample illumination spectrum etc.) in the ref sub-directory, all the current documentation in a doc sub-directory, and instrument USB drivers in the usb directory.
NOTE: Vista 64/Windows 7, 8,8.1 & 10 64 bit and Beep prompt: Microsoft (in its infinite wisdom) has removed the built in speaker driver, and now relies on systems having a sound card and speakers's installed and turned on to hear system beeps. So if you're wondering where the beeps have gone when using chartread, now you know.
NOTE: Microsofts generic VGA Driver does not appear to support setting the display VideoLUTs. You will need to install a display driver for your specific display hardware to enable this. Note that it is possible in many cases to use Windows 7 video drivers on Windows 8 systems.
NOTE that if you wish to use Argyll tools (dispwin) to control display calibration, that you will have to disable any other display calibration loader programs.
There are other programs that will interfere with calibration loading, such as igfxpers.exe that gets installed with nVidia 'Optimus' technology.
You may have to disable both the igfx tray module (c:windowssystem32igfxtray.exe) and the igfxpph Module (c:windowssystem32igfxpph.dll) in addition to the persistence Module (c:windowssystem32igfxpers.exe).
A good tool for this is AutoRuns. Note that the igfxpph module may exist in several locations and you have to disable all of them. Reboot after changing settings.
Serial Instruments:
If you are using a serial connected instrument, then there is nothing special to do to enable this.USB Instruments:
If you are using a USB connected instrument, then suitable USB system drivers may need to be installed.Note that the Huey, i1 Display Pro, ColorMunki Display and ColorHug colorimeter appears as an HID (USB Human Interface Device Class) device, and hence will be assigned to the default MSWindows HID driver. You therefore don't need to install an Argyll usb system driver for these instruments, although it is possible to select the libusb0.sys driver as an alternative to the default HID driver.
If you are using the JETI specbos 1211, 1201, 1511, 1501 and the Klien K10A then you may need to install the FTDI Virtual COM Port Drivers (VCP), if they are not already on your system. You may have to update to the latest FTDI driver to work with the FTDI FT231XS chip that the JETI specbos 1511, 1501 use.
Jump to your operating system version:
Windows 8, 8.1 & 10
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 8, 8.1 & 10
Fresh Install of Instrument USB driver:
If you currently don't have any applications that talk to your instrument using USB, then it is relatively simple to use the drivers provided with Argyll, since you don't have to deal with the instrument already having an assigned driver.
Windows 8/8.1/10 does not automatically pop up a 'New Hardware' dialog, so you will have to open the Device Manager manually, and you will also have to temporarily disable UBS driver .inf signature enforcement.
Please NOTE that on some versions of Windows 10, you may have to temporarily disable secure boot in your UEFI BIOS to be able to Disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
To install the Argyll driver for the first instrument:
Settings -> Power -> Hold Shift Key down and click 'Restart' -> Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Startup Settings -> Restart ->
(After Reboot) -> 'Disable Driver Signature Enforcement' (number 7 on the list)
(After system starts, Plug in instrument)
Desktop -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager ->
Other Devices -> <instrument being installed> -> right click -> Update Driver Software... -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Browse...
-> argyllusb folder -> Next -> Install this driver software anyway -> Close
On subsequent installation of other supported instrument types:
Simply plug the instrument in. The Argyll driver will be automatically selected.
Using Argyll drivers with existing OEM drivers:
If you currently have applications other than Argyll accessing your USB connected instrument, then you will have to manually install the Argyll driver, and then switch back and forth between the Argyll and other drivers if you want to switch between applications.
To install the Argyll Driver:
Settings -> Power -> Hold Shift Key down and click 'Restart' -> Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Startup Settings -> Restart ->
(After Reboot) -> Disable Driver Signature Enforcement' (number 7 on the list)
(After system starts, Plug in instrument)
Desktop -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Update Driver Software... -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer -> Have disk... -> Browse...
-> argyllusb folder -> select ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Install this driver software anyway -> Close
To switch between drivers:
(Plug in the instrument)
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Update Driver Software... -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
(Choose either the Argyll driver or another driver from the list)
-> Next -> Close
Un-installing Argyll driver:
If you are updating to a new version of Argyll which adds support for a new instrument that you want to use, then it may be necessary to uninstall all the existing Argyll USB driver and do a fresh re-install to update the relevant libusb system driver and .inf file. (This is true for updating to Argyll Version 2.0.0).
(Plug in the instrument)
Desktop -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It will be underneath the Argyll LibUSB-win32 devices top level item.)
Right click on instrument -> Uninstall -> click 'Delete the driver software for this device' -> OK
Proceed then with either Fresh Install of Argyll USB driver or Adding Argyll drivers to existing drivers above.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
Fresh Install of Instrument USB driver:
If you currently don't have any applications that talk to your instrument using USB, then it is relatively simple to use the drivers provided with Argyll since you don't have to deal with the instrument already having an assigned driver.
To install the Argyll driver for the first instrument:
(Plug in instrument)
(Wait for the 'Found New Hardware' or 'Installing new device driver software - Device driver software was not successfully installed' popup and dismiss it)
Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager ->
Other Devices -> <instrument being installed> -> right click -> Update Driver Software... -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Browse...
-> argyllusb folder -> Next -> Install this driver software anyway -> Close
On subsequent installation of other instrument types:
Using Argyll drivers with existing OEM drivers:
If you currently have applications other than Argyll accessing your USB connected instrument, then you will have to manually install the Argyll driver, and then switch back and forth between the Argyll and other drivers if you want to switch between applications.
To install the Argyll Driver:
(Plug in instrument)

(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Update Driver Software... -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer -> Have disk... -> Browse...
-> argyllusb folder -> select ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Install this driver software anyway -> Close
To switch between drivers:
(Plug in the instrument)
Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Update Driver Software... -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
(Choose either the Argyll driver or another driver from the list)
-> Next -> Close
Un-installing Argyll driver:
If you are updating to a new version of Argyll which adds support for a new instrument that you want to use, then it may be necessary to uninstall all the existing Argyll USB driver and do a fresh re-install to update the relevant libusb system driver and .inf file. (This is true for updating to Argyll Version 2.0.0).
(Plug in the instrument)
Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It will be underneath the Argyll LibUSB-win32 devices top level item.)
Right click on instrument -> Uninstall -> click 'Delete the driver software for this device' -> OK
Proceed then with either Fresh Install of Argyll USB driver or Adding Argyll drivers to existing drivers above.
Windows XP
Fresh Install of Instrument USB driver:
If you currently don't have any applications that talk to your instrument using USB, then it is relatively simple to use the drivers provided with Argyll since you don't have to deal with the instrument already having an assigned driver.
To install the Argyll driver for the first instrument:
(Plug in instrument)
(Wait for the 'Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard' popups and dismiss it)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
Other Devices -> <instrument being installed> -> right click -> Update Driver... -> No, not this time -> Next
->Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) -> Next -> Don't search. I will choose the driver to install -> Next
-> Have Disk... -> Browse ->
Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Pc
argyllusb folder -> ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Next -> FinishOn subsequent installation of other instrument types:
(Plug the instrument in, and wait for the 'Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard' to pop up.)
No, not this time -> Install the software automatically (Recommended) -> Next -> Finish
Using Argyll drivers with existing OEM drivers:
If you currently have applications other than Argyll accessing your USB connected instrument, then you will have to manually install the Argyll driver, and then switch back and forth between the Argyll and other drivers if you want to switch between applications.
To install the Argyll Driver:
(Plug in instrument)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> right click -> Update Driver... -> No, not this time -> Next
->Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) -> Next -> Don't search. I will choose the driver to install -> Next
-> Have Disk... -> Browse -> argyllusb folder -> ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Next -> Finish
To switch between drivers:
(Plug in the instrument)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Update Driver... -> No, not this time -> Next
->Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) -> Next -> Don't search. I will choose the driver to install -> Next
->let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
(Choose either the Argyll driver or another driver from the list)
-> Next -> Finish
Un-installing Argyll driver:
If you are updating to a new version of Argyll which adds support for a new instrument that you want to use, then it may be necessary to uninstall all the existing Argyll USB driver and do a fresh re-install to update the relevant libusb system driver and .inf file. (This is true for updating to Argyll Version 2.0.0).
(Plug in the instrument)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It will be underneath the Argyll LibUSB-win32 devices top level item.)
Right click on instrument -> Uninstall -> click 'Delete the driver software for this device' -> OK
Then you will have to delete the cached copy of the old Argyll driver .inf files, that MSWindows keeps.
cd to where Windows keeps it's cached driver information files, ie:
cd windowsinf
identify all the system copies of the Argyll .inf files:
find /I 'ArgyllCMS' oem*.inf
then delete just the files that contain 'ArgyllCMS':
del /F oemXXX.inf
del /F oemXXY.inf
Proceed then with either Fresh Install of Argyll USB driver or Adding Argyll drivers to existing drivers above.
Windows 2000
Fresh Install of Instrument USB driver:
If you currently don't have any applications that talk to your instrument using USB, then it is relatively simple to use the drivers provided with Argyll since you don't have to deal with the instrument already having an assigned driver.
To install the Argyll driver for the first instrument:
(Plug in instrument)
(Wait for the 'Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard' pops up) -> Next
-> Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) -> Next -> Specify a location -> Next
-> Browse -> argyllusb folder -> ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Next -> Finish
On subsequent installation of other instrument types:
Simply plug the instrument in. The Argyll driver will be automatically installed.
Using Argyll drivers with existing OEM drivers:
If you currently have applications other than Argyll accessing your USB connected instrument, then you will have to manually install the Argyll driver, and then switch back and forth between the Argyll and other drivers if you want to switch between applications.
To install the Argyll Driver:
(Plug in instrument)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Properties -> Driver -> Update Driver this time
-> 'Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard' -> Next -> Display a list of known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver -> Next
-> Have Disk -> Browse -> argyllusb folder -> ArgyllCMS.inf -> Open -> OK -> Next -> Next -> Finish
To switch between drivers:
(Plug in instrument)
My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Properties -> Driver -> Update Driver... -> Next
-> Display a list of known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver -> Next
(Choose either the Argyll driver or another driver from the list)
-> Next -> Next -> Finish
Un-installing Argyll driver:
If you are updating to a new version of Argyll which adds support for a new instrument that you want to use, then it may be necessary to uninstall all the existing Argyll USB driver and do a fresh re-install to update the relevant libusb system driver and .inf file. (This is true for updating to Argyll Version 2.0.0).
(Plug in the instrument)

My Computer, Right Click -> Manage -> Device Manager
(Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
Right click on instrument -> Uninstall -> OK
Then you will have to delete the cached copy of the old Argyll driver .inf files, that MSWindows keeps.
cd to where Windows keeps it's cached driver information files, ie:
cd winntinf
identify all the system copies of the Argyll .inf files:
find /I 'ArgyllCMS' oem*.inf
then delete just the files that contain 'ArgyllCMS':
del /F oemXXX.inf
del /F oemXXY.inf
Proceed then with either Fresh Install of Argyll USB driver or Adding Argyll drivers to existing drivers above.
Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download 64-bit
Most difficulties in working with Micro-Manager arise from configuring the system and from problems/issues with specific devices. In both of these cases you are interacting mainly with device adapters. These device adapters have been written by several different authors, all behave slightly differently, and interact with specific hardware that has its own peculiarities. On these pages we will maintain as much information as possible about Micro-Manager device adapters. This will help you configure and understand your Micro-Manager system. We hope that the authors of the device adapters will maintain this information, but please feel free to update the information here with your own experiences. The information here will refer to the most recent Micro-Manager release.
Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7
Motorized Microscopes
- LeicaDMI - Leica DMI and DM microscopes
- LeicaDMR - Leica DMR microscopes (and DMIRBE)
- MoticMicroscope - Motic BA600 microscopes
- NikonAZ100 - Nikon AZ100 Zoom microscope
- NikonEclipse90i - Nikon Eclipse 90i motorized microscope
- NikonTE2000 - Nikon TE2000 motorized microscope
- NikonTI - Nikon Ti microscope
- NikonTi2 - Nikon Ti2 microscope
- Olympus - Olympus IX81 (Inverted)/BX61 (Upright)
- OlympusIX83 - Olympus IX83 motorized microscope
- ZeissCAN - Zeiss CAN-bus (not CAN29) compatible microscopes (Axiovert 200m, Axioplan2)
- ZeissCAN29 - Zeiss CAN29-bus compatible microscopes (AxioObserver)
- ZeissAxioZoom - Zeiss AxioZoom microscope (CAN29)
- ABSCamera - Cameras from ABS Gesellschaft für Automatisierung, Bildverarbeitung, Software GmbH Jena
- AmScope - AmScope MU series cameras (Windows)
- Andor - Andor cameras (CCD and EMCCD)
- AndorSDK3 - New model Andor cameras (sCMOS)
- Apogee - Apogee cameras
- AxioCam - Zeiss AxioCam medium resolution and high resolution models (Windows)
- BaslerAce - Basler Ace USB Cameras
- BaslerCameras - All Basler cameras that are supported by pylon SDK
- BaumerOptronic - Leica DFC camera (through BaumerOptronic FXLib)
- BiostepEagleIce - biostep EagleIce camera
- dc1394 - Firewire cameras that adhere to the iidc1394 specs (see also IIDC)
- DECamera - Direct Electron Cameras
- DemoCamera - Virtual, emulated equipment for testing
- Dhyana - Dhyana/Tucsen cameras
- DSLRRemoteCamera - Canon DSLR cameras (Windows)
- FakeCamera - Virtual camera that loads images from disk (Windows, Linux)
- FirstLightImagingCamera - First Light Imaging Cameras
- FLICamera - Finger Lakes Instrumentation Cameras
- GigECamera - GigE Vision- and GenICam-compliant cameras
- GPhoto - Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras (Mac, Linux)
- Hamamatsu - Legacy adapter for Hamamatsu cameras (via DCAM-API); now Mac only
- HamamatsuHam - Hamamatsu cameras (via DCAM-API)
- IDS_uEye - IDS uEye USB cameras (also Thorlabs DCUxxxx, Edmund EO-xxxxM) (Linux, Windows)
- IIDC - Firewire (and USB) cameras compatible with the IIDC specification (see also dc1394)
- JAI - JAI Cameras (eBUS)
- Leica Cameras - These use the BaumerOptronic adapter
- Lumenera - Lumenera cameras
- MATRIX VISION devices - MATRIX VISION GmbH USB3 Vision, GigE Vision and USB2 cameras as well as various frame grabber boards
- Micropix - Cameras from Micropix
- Mightex_C_Cam - Mightex C-series USB cameras
- MoticCamera - Motic cameras
- NKRemoteCamera - Nikon Digital SLR (Windows)
- OpenCVgrabber - Supports numerous USB cameras and frame grabbers (those using a DirectShow or WDM class driver). (Windows)
- PCO_Camera - Supports all pco.sdk based cameras (pco.edge, pco.panda and others)
- Photometrics - A.k.a. PVCAM
- PICAM - Princeton Instruments cameras using the PICam interface
- Piper - Stanford Photonics cameras
- Pixelink - Pixelink Cameras
- Point Grey Research - Point Grey (now FLIR) cameras through the Flycap2 interface, also see Spinnaker
- PrincetonInstruments - Princeton Instruments cameras
- ProgRes - Jenoptik cameras (ProgRes series)
- PSRemoteCamera - Canon PowerShot camera (Windows)
- PVCAM - Roper/Photometrics cameras (not for Princeton Instruments)
- QCam - QImaging cameras
- QSICamera - QSI cameras (Windows)
- RaptorEPIX - Raptor Photonics cameras using EPIX cameralink board
- ScionCam - Scion cameras
- Sensicam - PCO/Cooke Sensicam camera
- SigmaKoki - Sigma Koki camera
- Spinnaker - FLIR (formally Point Grey) cameras though the Spinnaker interface
- SpotCamera - Diagnostic Instruments Spot cameras
- TetheredCam - Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras (Windows)
- ThorlabsUSBCamera - Thorlabs cameras (Windows)
- TIScam - The Imaging Source cameras (tested on USB/CCD models) and video frame grabbers
- TSI - Thorlabs Scientific Imaging Cameras
- TwainCamera - Cameras fully implementing Twain Imaging Standard
- Veroptics - Veroptics cameras
- Video4Linux - Video4Linux compatible cameras
- XIMEACamera - XIMEA cameras (and some Olympus Soft Imaging cameras)
Stages, filter wheels, shutters
- ArduinoNeoPixel - Adafruit NeoPixel RGB LEDs controlled through an Arduino
- ASIFW1000 - ASI Shutter and Filter Wheel controller
- ASIStage - ASI XY (and Z) stage and CRIF
- ASITiger - ASI TG-1000 'Tiger' Controller (hub device, peripherals include multiple stage types, filter wheel, shutters, micro-mirrors, etc.)
- ChuoSeiki_MD5000 - ChuoSeiki MD5000 series controller: 2-axis, single axis
- ChuoSeiki_QT - ChuoSeiki QT series controller: 3-axis, 2-axis, single axis
- CoolLED - LED illuminator (usable as a shutter device)
- CONEX - See NewportCONEX
- Conix - Conix Filter Changer, XY and Z stage
- Corvus - Märzhäuser XY stages with Corvus driver.
- DA-Z-Stage - For stages that can be controlled with analogue voltage. Needs a DA device
- DAShutter - Treats a DA output as a shutter. Useful (for instance) for diode lasers
- IntelLiDrive - IntelLiDrive stages are support through 3d party adapters
- KDV - kdvelectronics focus drive (z-stage) for Meiji Techno
- LeicaDMSTC - Leica DMSTC XY stage
- LMT200-V3 - ITK Dr. Kassen LMT200-V3 HYDRA Controller and XY stage
- Ludl - Ludl stages, shutters and filter wheels
- LudlLow - Ludl stages, shutters and filter wheels (other)
- Marzhauser - Märzhäuser XY stages and Z (uses TANGO controller)
- MarzhauserLStep - Märzhäuser LStep stage controller
- MarzhauserLStepOld - Old version (1.2) of Märzhäuser LStep stage controller
- MCL_MicroDrive - Mad City Labs MicroDrive
- MCL_NanoDrive - Mad City Labs NanoDrive
- MT20 - Olympus MT20 illumination source (Lamp/shutter/filter wheel)
- MP285 - Sutter Micro-Manipulator
- NewportCONEX - Newport CONEX-CC servo controller
- NewportSMC - Newport SMC100 single-axis motor controller
- Nikon - Nikon Z-drive, TIRF shutter and IntensiLight shutter
- NIMotionStage - National Instruments FlexMotion stage controls
- NPointC400 - nPoint C.400 and LC.400 axis controllers
- ObjectiveImaging - Objective Imaging OASIS controller
- PI_GCS_2 - Physik Instrumente (PI) GCS2 adapter
- PI_GCS - Physik Instrumente (PI) GCS adapter - Z Stage connected to PI GCS controller (E-665, E-621, E-625, E-753, ...)
- PI - Other (older) Physik Instrumente devices. Includes the E-662 controller
- PicardStage - Picard Industries USB Slide I/II and USB Twister
- Piezosystem_30DV50 - Piezosystem Jena. digital one channel controller
- Piezosystem_dDrive - Piezosystem Jena. digital 6 channel controller with display
- Piezosystem_NV40_1 - Piezosystem Jena. one channel controller for older stages
- Piezosystem_NV40_3 - Piezosystem Jena. 3 channel controller with USB
- Piezosystem_NV120_1 - Piezosystem Jena. 1 channel controller with USB
- PrecisExcite - LED illuminator (usable as a shutter device)
- Prior - Prior stages, shutters, and filter wheels
- PriorNano - Prior/Queensgate nanopositioning stages
- RAMPS - RepRap RAMPS board as a stage controller
- Scientifica - Scientifica stages
- ScopeLED - DiCon LED-powered brightfield and fluorescence microscopy illuminators, implemented as shutters.
- SigmaKoki - Sigma Koki stages and shutters
- SmarActHCU-3D - HCU and CU SmarAct controllers adapter (XY and Z)
- SouthPort_MicroZ - SouthPort MicroZ stage controller
- Standa - Standa Microstep Driver
- StandaStage - Standa Microstep Driver
- Standa8SMC4 - Standa Microstep Driver (using XIMC interface)
- SutterLambda - Sutter Shutters, filter wheels, light sources, etc..
- SutterLambda2 - Sutter Lambda 10-3 controller, shutters, filter wheels, and VF5 tunable filter
- SutterStage - Sutter XY Stage
- Thorlabs - Thorlabs XY Stage (brushless DC motor), Piezo Z Stage and Integrated Filter Wheel
- ThorlabsAPTStage - Thorlabs APT family linear stages
- ThorlabsDCStage - Thorlabs Linear Stages using the TDC001 Controller (see also: ThorlabsAPTStage)
- ThorlabsDCxxxx - Thorlabs LED controllers
- ThorlabsElliptecSlider - Thorlabs Elliptec sliders ELL6, ELL9, ELL17 and ELL20.
- ThorlabsFilterWheel - Thorlabs Filter Wheel
- ThorlabsMFC1 - Thorlabs MFC1 Motorized Microscope Focus Controller
- ThorlabsSC10 - Thorlabs shutter controller
- Tofra - XY and Z stages, filter wheel, motorized filter cube slider, and LED illuminator
- UserDefinedSerial - Shutters and state devices that can be controlled with simple serial commands
- Vincent - Vincent Uniblitz controllers
- WieneckeSinske - WSB PiezoDrive CAN XY stage
- Xcite - EXFO X-Cite 120 PC Fluorescent Lamp / Shutter
- XCite120PC_Exacte - Lumen Dynamics X-Cite 120PC and exacte adapter
- XCiteLed - LED controller
- XCiteXT600 - X-Cite TURBO and XT600 series
- Zaber - Zaber linear and XY stages, filter wheels
Communication ports, TTLs, DAQs, etc.
Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Win 10
- Arduino - Open Source Programmable Digital/Analogue IO board
- Arduino32bitBoards - 32bit Open Source Programmable Digital/Analogue IO boards
- CustomArduino - Arduino-based devices matching existing device adapters
- DTOpenLayer - DT OpenLayer Digital IO boards
- ESIOImagingControllers - Microcontrollers for hardware triggering and synchronization
- FreeSerialPort - Communicate directly through a serial port
- ITC18 - controls shutters, cameras, pifocs, anything that can use either a TTL signal or a ±10 V signal
- K8055 - Velleman Digital IO board (all platforms)
- K8061 - Velleman Digital IO board (all platforms)
- MCCDAQ - Measurement Computing PCI-DDA08/16
- National Instruments - See NI100X and NIMultiAnalog
- NicoLase An open-source diode laser combiner, fiber launch, and sequencing controller for fluorescence microscopy
- NI100X - NI I/O boards - DAQmx interface
- NIMultiAnalog - NI boards with multiple analog outputs
- SerialManager - Serial Ports on Windows
- SerialManagerUnix - Serial Ports on Mac and Linux
- TriggerScope - TriggerScope digital and analog controller
- TriggerScopeMM - TriggerScope v3 with Micro-Manager firmware
- ParallelPort - TTLs on parallel port (Windows only)
- USBManager - Micro-Manager internal USB communications driver
Light sources
- AgilentLaserCombiner - Agilent MLC
- AndorLaserCombiner - Andor laser launch
- BlueboxOptics_niji - Bluebox Optics niji 7 channel LED light source
- CoboltOfficial - Cobolt lasers 06-01 Series, Cobolt Skyra
- Cobolt - Cobolt laser controller
- CoherentCube - Coherent CUBE laser controller
- CoherentOBIS - Coherent OBIS laser controller (Single Laser Remote)
- Coherent Scientific Remote - Coherent OBIS laser controller (Scientific Remote and Single Laser Remote)
- LaserQuantumLaser - gem/ventus/opus/axiom series from LaserQuantum
- Lumencor Light Engine - All Lumencor Light Engine models
- LumencorSpectra - Solid state illuminator from Lumencor
- Mightex - LED driver/controllers
- Mightex_BLS - BLS Control Modules
- MightexPolygon - Mightex Polygon multiwavelength patterned illuminators
- Omicron - Omicron Laser Controller
- Oxxius - Oxxius Laser Controller
- Oxxius_combiner - Oxxius combiner; hub for multiple laser sources
- PolychromeV - Illumination system from Till Photonics
- Prairie Aurora Laser Launch - Prairie Aurora Laser Launch Interfacing using a Velleman K8061
- Sapphire - Lasers from Coherent
- Skyra - Skyra laser controller
- Stradus - Vortran Stradus laser driver
- Toptica_iBeamSmartCW - Toptica iBeamSmart laser series
- Toptica_iChrome_MLE - Toptica iChrome Multi Laser Engine
- Toptica_iChrome_MLE_TCP - Toptica iChrome Multi Laser Engine over TCP link
- USB_Viper_QPL - Excelitas/Qioptiq iFLEX-Viper Laser Engine
- Versalase - Vortran Versalase laser driver
- YodnLighting - YODN Lighting lamp device adapter for E600 serial products
Other devices
- AAAOTF - AOTF controller from AA Optoelectronics
- Aladdin - Syring pump controller from Aladdin
- AndorShamrock - Andor Shamrock Spectrographs
- Aquinas - Aquinas Microfluidics Controller
- AOTF - NEOS AOTF control through parallel port. Can be used for any TTL-controllable shutter
- ASIwptr - ASI well-plate transfer robot
- CARVII - BD/CrEST CARV II spinning disk confocal
- Diskovery - Spectral/Andor spinning disk confocal/TIRF module
- DLP4000 - Digital Mirror Device
- GenericSLM - Any spatial light modulator that can be controlled via computer video output port.
- ImageProcessorChain - Virtual device driver for processing images in C++
- LumencorCIA - Camera synchronization for the Lumencor Spectra
- MaestroServo - Pololu Maestro Servo controller
- MicroPoint - Galvo-based phototargeting device from Andor
- Mosaic3 - Andor Mosaic DMD Projection Device
- Okolab - Okolab Microscope Incubators and Gas Controllers
- OVP_ECS2 - Optic Valley Photonics ECS-2 environmental controller
- Pecon - Pecon Incubation System
- PeCon2000 - PeCon 2000 Incubation Controllers (USB-connected)
- pgFocus - Open Software/Hardware Focus Stabilization from BIG
- Rapp - Rapp UGA40 photobleaching/photoactivation unit
- SimpleAutofocus - Image-based autofocus software 'device'.
- SpectralLMM5 - Spectral laser line controller
- SutterMPC - Multi manipulator controller
- Utilities - Virtual devices providing extra functionality to Micro-Manager
- VariLC - Tunable liquid crystal polarization modulators from CRi
- VisiTech_iSIM - VisiTech iSIM
- Yokogawa - Yokogawa CSU22
- Yokogawa CSUW1 - Yokogawa CSUW1
- Yokogawa CSUX - Yokogawa CSUX
- XLight - CrestOptics X-Light spinning disc confocal system
- The HSi-300 Hyperspectral Imager can be controlled with Micro-Manager (not yet included in the distribution, contact Gouch & Housego for details)
Velleman Instruments Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7